Why Healing and Freedom?
When the Bible says to guard your heart because out of it flows the wellspring of life, it was not a metaphor. Our hearts are the center of our being both physically and emotionally. If you have physical heart problems, typically that affects other areas of your body, ie: lungs, limbs, etc.
If your heart is emotionally wounded, typically that will affect every other area of your life. It will affect the way you trust. It will affect the way you love and accept love from others. It will affect your relationships. It will affect your well being, as a whole. When your heart is wounded, it causes you to live in a self-preservation type of way; I call it “survival mode”. I would love to help you move from survival mode to living a life of healing and wholeness. We were not created to merely survive…we were created to THRIVE!! Let me help you exchange your surviving for thriving!
Do you know that we can live in freedom on this side of heaven? When Jesus died on the cross, it was for more than a ticket into heaven. He also died for freedom’s sake so that we can live a life that is not hindered by the lies and attacks of the enemy. Often times we know in our head the promises of God but believing them with our heart is a whole different story! If we can get the two into alignment with God’s Word and with His promises, a life of freedom is sure to follow.
Please do not confuse a life of freedom with a pain-free and trouble-free life. Rather, a life of freedom grants you the ability to face difficult and troubling times with an unmovable faith and unwavering security in your Heavenly Father. When you know who you are in Christ and your identity is found in Him and Him alone, you are unmovable, unshakable and unwavering….no matter what comes your way! This kind of living is not just for certain people; it is available to ALL of God's children....including YOU!