Why Healing and Freedom? 



When the Bible says to guard your heart because out of it flows the wellspring of life, it was not a metaphor.  Our hearts are the center of our being both physically and emotionally.  If you have physical heart problems, typically that affects other areas of your body, ie: lungs, limbs, etc.  

If your heart is emotionally wounded, typically that will affect every other area of your life.  It will affect the way you trust.  It will affect the way you love and accept love from others.  It will affect your relationships.  It will affect your well being, as a whole.  When your heart is wounded, it causes you to live in a self-preservation type of way; I call it “survival mode”.  I would love to help you move from survival mode to living a life of healing and wholeness.   We were not created to merely survive…we were created to THRIVE!!  Let me help you exchange your surviving for thriving!



Do you know that we can live in freedom on this side of heaven?  When Jesus died on the cross, it was for more than a ticket into heaven.  He also died for freedom’s sake so that we can live a life that is not hindered by the lies and attacks of the enemy.  Often times we know in our head the promises of God but believing them with our heart is a whole different story!  If we can get the two into alignment with God’s Word and with His promises, a life of freedom is sure to follow.  

Please do not confuse a life of freedom with a pain-free and trouble-free life.  Rather, a life of freedom grants you the ability to face difficult and troubling times with an unmovable faith and unwavering security in your Heavenly Father.  When you know who you are in Christ and your identity is found in Him and Him alone, you are unmovable, unshakable and unwavering….no matter what comes your way!  This kind of living is not just for certain people; it is available to ALL of God's children....including YOU!  



You may need a little HEART MADE FREE in your life if...



…you feel like there’s some kind of block between you and Jesus.

…there’s a reoccurring feeling of rejection in your life.

…you recognize cycles of trauma or abuse that you just can’t seem to get out of.

…you have a difficult time setting healthy boundaries with those you love.

…you can’t help but take responsibility for things/people that are not really yours to carry.

…you are having a hard time forgiving.

…you live in “survival mode” and can’t seem to break out of it.

…you feel like everyone is out to get you.

…you cannot seem to see yourself the way God sees you.

…you have a hard time believing in your heart what you know to be true in your mind.

…you consistently make decisions out of fear and not faith.

…you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you have no idea why.

…you can’t say “NO”. 

…you feel like a doormat in the majority of your relationships.

…you have a negative self-image.

…you can’t seem to rejoice with others.

…you get caught up in the comparison trap.

…you have uncontrollable outbursts of anger.

…you have a hard time loving yourself.

…you have a hard time loving others.

…you have a hard time accepting God's love and/or you have a hard time loving Him in return. 

…you feel like you are constantly suspicious of other people and their motives.

…you struggle with fear.

…you are on the other side of a failed relationship or a broken marriage and can’t seem to move on.  

...you can't get away from feeling shameful.

...you are afraid that people won't like you if they know the "real" you.

...you don't like yourself.


If any or all of the above apply to where you are and how you are feeling, God has more for you!  We would be more than happy to help you find freedom in these areas of your life.  



The Approach


Restoring The Foundations Technique

All too often, there is one major issue that stands out in our lives; one that just seems to bring us trouble. Through it all, we may feel shame, fear, anger, pain, or confusion.  Perhaps it flares up only in certain circumstances, or perhaps it’s an on-going issue.  Heart Made Free can help!  Using the biblically based technique found in Restoring The Foundations (RTF), we identify and dismantle the spiritual root causes that stem from four main areas: Sins of the Family, Ungodly Beliefs, Life Hurts/Wounds and Demonic Oppression (detailed descriptions below). These four areas are all intertwined and one affects the other - this is why we systematically deal with each of them during our time of ministry.  We will work closely with you to break the power of these strongholds and teach you how to walk in freedom on this side of heaven.  The following are just a few examples of issues that Heart Made Free can help you with:

Grief / Loss / Abuse / Anger / Rejection / Unforgiveness / Bitterness / Resentment / Fear / Depression / Abandonment / Loneliness / Anxiety / Insecurity / Guilt / Shame / Control

Please Note: We believe many cases of depression, anxiety and other mental disorders can be resolved by Inner Healing and Deliverance, good Christian counseling, spiritual warfare, proper nutrition and growing in one's relationship with Christ, but some individuals require medication. The Lord is indeed Sovereign in all things, including the use of medication. We are not medical professionals, nor do we advise anyone to get off of medication. This decision will strictly be left up to you and your medical professional oversight.


I minister to women of all ages, backgrounds, and seasons of life. With over 20 of ministry experience, I’ve had the honor and privilege of leading and developing teenage girls and women alike. I am especially passionate about helping women who are on a church staff and/or women whose husbands are a part of a church staff. I recognize the importance of being able to process and talk through the things experienced in ministry. I’m also passionate about working with teenage girls and young adults. These formative years are crutial in developing a strong foundation and understanding of their identity in Christ.

No matter one’s age, it is incredibly beneficial to experience the healing, freedom and wholeness that only Jesus can bring. It is absolutely possible to experience a “heart made free” no matter how hopeless someone may feel or how hurt they may be….there is hope for everyone! If you are interested in receiving ministry, there’s two options:

Thorough Format Ministry and Issue Focus Ministry.

Thorough Format

Thorough format ministry is based on ministering an integrated approach of ministry established by the Founders of RTF Chester and Betsy Kylstra.

Individual thorough format ministry begins with an Interview. During this session we talk about the person’s family tree, next their family of origin, and then their life story. This information is mainly used in the next session. The second session helps the ministry receiver be set free from the Sins of the Family impacting them. The third session is spent replacing Ungodly Beliefs (the lies we believe about God, His Word and His Character) and Soul Spirit Healing to bring healing to the memories God’s Spirit reveals where hurt and pain remain. The final session focuses on being set free from Demonic Oppression impacting them. brings the individual to.

Each session lasts two and half to three hours. If you are interested in setting up an appointment or have questions about anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Issue-Focused Ministry Format

Heart Made Free uses the RTF Issue-Focused ministry format which focuses primarily on the major issue that is troubling you. Together, through prayer, we discover how the four sources (Sins of the Family, Ungodly Beliefs, Life Hurts/Wounds and Demonic Oppression) of our problems work together to ignite and inflame the issue. We will apply foundational truths to each source as we listen to God for counsel and direction.

This ministry session takes approximately three hours. These three hours can profoundly change your life as God sets you free from the root causes of an on-going burden, sin or hang-up in your life.  If you are interested in setting up an appointment or have questions about anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact us.


The Process


Before our time of ministry, you will receive a detailed email that will contain information about several steps that will help you prepare for your ministry session.  There's a questionnaire that will need to be completed, scanned and sent back to me via email, as well as a very short book that we highly suggest you read.  In that same email, you will find the confirmation of the date, time and place we will be meeting.  I ask that you arrive at least 5 minutes early to ensure that we can start right on time.


During our time of ministry, you can expect a safe and quiet environment.  This ministry session will take approximately three hours.  In addition to myself and the Ministry Receiver, there will be an intercessor present.  If you have a preference as to who the intercessor should be, please let me know.  We will all three sign a confidentiality form at the beginning of this ministry session to ensure your privacy concerning the issue at hand. Also, I can give a very brief, non-detailed summary to your oversight/pastor if requested.


After our time of ministry, it is imperative that you "walk it out".  What you do after your meeting is just as important as what you did IN the meeting!  You will have been given the tools to do self-ministry as well as equipped with God's truths, so that you can walk in your God-given authority as a child of the King.  You will be able to identify the lies of the enemy much easier than before and now you will know exactly what to do with it, thus continuing your life of healing and freedom!    


Contact for pricing. You can pay through Venmo, Cash App, check or cash.