Hello! Hello! As I post about life, love and everything in between, I hope this collection of experiences, thoughts, and memories somehow connect with you, no matter your season of life.
5 fun facts about me:
1- I'm a pretty simple chick who was born and raised on the Westbank of New Orleans and could not be more proud of that! New Orleans is so RICH in culture and history - there's still no place like home! I could spend hours looking at the houses on St. Charles while admiring the architecture and charm each home displays. It's a breathtakingly beautiful and inviting place. Phrases like "where yat", "who's dat fa" and "how's ya momma n nem" = perfectly acceptable questions where I come from! Ha! Ha! One of my fav things to do is play "EBONICS SCRABBLE". My sisters (who are two of my most favorite human beings on the whole planet) and I made up this game because it's more fun to play that way!!
2- My husband's name is Chris and he absolutely ROCKS my world. He is my best friend, my "Latin Lovah" (he's Hispanic ;) and my ride or die! [side note: I always thought I'd marry a black man. Welp....Chris is just a TAD shade lighter but it's worked out beautifully! Ha! Ha!] I think we make a pretty dang good team! He is strong, mindful, caring and passionate about life altogether. He is an "all in" kinda guy and I think that's sexy. We chose well when we picked one another to live the rest of our lives together - and that was only GOD (we were young and dumb ;)! I could not be more grateful for this man of mine!
3- I am the oldest of 3 girls and I have 3 amazing little girls of my own! I love them with all of my heart and they make me love life all the more! I have laughed more since we've had little ones than I ever did before (and that's ALOT)!!!! Being a momma is the hardest thing I've ever done but it is HANDS DOWN, the most rewarding! While our girls are each unique, they are ALL spunky, spicy and strong! I LOVE LOVE LOVE having girls!!! There's never a dull moment in this crazy estrogen-filled house of ours! Chris often says that he is a minority in a sorority and that ain't no lie y'all ; )!!! I'm sure being a boy momma is just as fun....but I'll just have to assume that for now!
4- I have lived in New Orleans, Houston, Austin, Lafayette (and surrounding areas), and now we live in Haslet, TX. Haslet is a little city right outside of Ft. Worth, TX. While I love my Louisiana, I am absolutely LOVING being back in the grand ole state of Texas! The sunsets are beautiful and the wildflowers speak my language!
5- I can curl my tongue, gleek on command and fly! AAAAhhhhhhaaaaa....just kidding about the flying part!! BUT...if I had a superhuman power, I would pick the power to fly!!!
5 things that I like:
1- I love Jesus with all of my heart and every day I do my best to understand and accept His love for me! I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone but that has been a process. I've embraced this process and am better for it!
2- I love nature. I feel revived, renewed, inspired and encouraged when I'm surrounded by God's creation. It's a beautiful reflection of who He is and I always feel closer to Him because of it!! Except for allergies.....I HATE ALLERGIES!!!!!
3- I love people!! I enjoy talking and I enjoy listening. One of my fav things to do is sit down with old people and ask questions.....TONS of questions! I love the stories and the strolls down memory lane.
4- I love to read, although I don't make the time to read as much as I'd like. I'm a slow reader so it takes me a while. I love movies as well- ALL sorts of movies/series from all genres! My fav is Pride and Prejudice, Downton Abbey, Lord of the Rings, The Holiday, My Fair Lady, A Knight's Tale and last but not least, Spy Game! I like them all!!
5- I like coffee. I like color. I like variety. I like starting new things. I like the peace I find in my own home. I like hanging out and visiting with old friends. I like getting to know new friends. I like roller coasters, fast rides and I like to drive fast (but I don't do that as much anymore since I have children with me most of the time ;). I like to talk to my Mawmaw - I love my Mawmaw and I really do cherish my time with her. I love old things...old houses, old cars, old-time music, old movies, the smell of old books, old china, antiques.....I like to look at old pictures. I like snowballs! I like to travel and go to new places and see new things. I love the fact that we are a part of the body of Christ and I feel as though we have a local and global responsibility that comes along with that. I love the local church and see such value in what God is doing. I'm loving the season of life we are in and I can't help but thank Jesus for every passing day. I love wearing sleeveless shirts. I love leggings. I love when my hair is curly and not frizzy! I love when my girls squeeze my face or neck for no reason. I love their kisses and I love their snuggles. I love my husband's smile and I love when he laughs.....like a deep, belly laugh!! There's so much more about life that I love but I will write about that soon enough ; )!